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Cloudy and cold today on the road between Santa Domingo and Belorado. The former named after a prestigious bridge builder. Had a great pilgrims menu last night but in the same restaurant as a crowd of young ones (I mean mid twenties!). We've spoken to all of them separately and they are lovely people. Husband and wife from Leeds, he's an I T guy and she's about to start anaesthetic training. But, when they get together with their mates, the noise is deafening!! All shouting at once even though they're just across the dinner table!

Just thought I'd mention the scallop shell. This is the symbol of the Camino. Various stories usually involving people being rescued from the sea covered in shells but really symbolising the various paths which all lead to Santiago. All pilgrims including us carry a shell on their rucksacks.

It is also an indicator on how far is remaining in the journey.


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