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28.05.24 (The first day) Off we go!!

Arrived in Bibao. Taxi at 4.00am but decent flight despite the usual annoying crowd. You know the ones: professional queue jumpers, inability to read clear multilingual signs going through security so holding everyone up while they mess around, desperate to get on the plane in case there's no seats left or it goes without them and desperate to get off in case the plane flies off before they've disembarked.

Still Bilbao is such a beautiful city, fantastic architecture. I believe it was heavily bombed during the Spanish Civil War by Franco's forces but has been rebuilt in a modern but beautiful way. I spent the morning while I was waiting for John to arrive at the Guggenheim because my darling Siobhan had always wanted to see it.

Now, modern art is not really my thing but it is truly amazing particularly as I qualify for half price now!

Anyway, John is on his way. I pleased to say the temperature is cooler than the Costa del Sol so will be better for the Camino!! Early bus to Bayonne in the mañana and train to St Jean Pied de Port so speak then.

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oscar boomers
oscar boomers
May 28, 2024

Success, start slowly and enjoy

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