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long stretch today. Only 19k but very flat on very straight Roman roads!

The only remarkable sights were stork nests on the top of every church. This a good time to think and reflect. When Siobhan died, I knew I had to come on the Camino but I didn't and still don't know why. I'm nearly half way through now and I think I'm just beginning to get it. The Camino is like life itself. The centuries of pilgrims have endowed it with a mystical life force that you can only feel if you come on it. That's why many pilgrims come back and I believe there is such a small drop out rate. It's like life itself: sometimes a breeze and sometimes hard and painful. But whatever, you can't stop you just have to keep pushing on. As long as this planet continues, the Camino will always be here. It attracts all people of race, colour and creed. Sometimes at times of crisis and sometimes just because it's here. But I honestly believe the answers we are looking for will only be revealed at the end. That's why you just can't stop.


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